Forward Fuselage - forward angles

I started on the forward angles today.  I did a few practice pieces on some scrap to figure out how to mark and cut the curve in the angles to match the curve of the side skins.  I did two practice pieces before I remembered I had a contour gauge; this made it a lot easier, lol.
I used my contour gauge to get the shape of the curve and traced that on the angle.  My contour gauge is small, so I had to gauge and trace half an angle at a time.  Then I cut/sanded the curve into the angle, marked the crimp locations, and drilled holes into the forward angles.  This was a bit time consuming and I only got the right side angles cut and drilled today, but I'm happy with how the angles came out.
I didn't match drill the forward angles to the L-angles today because I don't have clamps that will clamp around the angle without interfering with it.

Top forward angle resting in place on side skin L-angle

Bottom forward angle test fit

Build Time:  4 hours 30 minutes