Rear Fuselage - Side Skin

03JUN2023 & 04JUN2023
I spent a lot of time this weekend deburring and priming the side skins for the rear fuselage.  (I did not film this; too much deburring and sanding, lol)
I also riveted the l-angles to the passenger side skin and clecoed it to the bottom skin.  When I clecoed it to the bottom skin, I realized I made a mistake on two of the angled l-angles.  I didn't realize these were side dependent and I accidentally put the left side on the right skin.  So I drilled those rivets out and put the correct l-angles on.
It's slowly looking like a fuselage!

Right side skin clecoed to bottom skin

Right side skin clecoed to bottom skin

Side skin primed

Build Time:  12 hours, 30 minutes