Rear Fuselage - Bottom Riveted

26, 27, & 29 MAY2023
I started on the rear fuselage!  
Friday and Saturday, I spent a few hours deburring the edges of the bottom skin, l-angles, and bottom longerons.  Then I clecoed all that together and nothing needed to be drilled to final size or filed to fit, which was really nice.  So I took everything apart and spent a few more hours deburring all the holes.
Then I sanded/prepped for primer and primed the bottom skin, longerons, and l-angles.
Monday, I finished deburring, sanding, and priming the remaining l-angles for the rear fuselage.  I also got the bottom skin riveted together!

Bottom Skin Clecoed

L-angles primed

Bottom Skin Riveted

Bottom Skin Riveted

Build Time:  15 hours, 45 minutes