Right Wing - Wing Tip

13NOV2022 & 14NOV2022
Spent a little bit of time working on the wing tip.
Last week I got the front half clecoed in, so yesterday I started by fitting the rear half.  I pushed the rear half as far back as I could, then drilled and clecoed it.   The front piece had a seam in it which I realized is where I should've trimmed to start with.  So I went back and trimmed that and then put that back on the wing.  Then I saw I had a big gap between the two halves and I realized how I goofed up.
Today, I took the wing tips off and taped them together how they should fit on the table and then put it back on the wing.  Fortunately since I had such a large gap, the holes I already drilled in the rear piece shifted forward enough for me to drill new holes.  It looks a lot better now, lol.  
Gap from first attempt

Gap fixed

Wing tip clecoed

Build Time:  2 hours, 45 minutes