Right Wing - Top Skin Drilling

September was a busy month (vacation, Zenith Homecoming, Sack Field Open House) and I didn't get a chance to work on the plane.  But I'm back at it now!
I didn't get as much done today as I was hoping and today ended with a little disappointment.
Started today off by match drilling the last fuel tank bracket.  Then I re-clecoed the skins on with clecos in every hole this time.  I know it's probably overkill, but I find that the skins stay in place better when there's a lot of drilling to do.  Once the skins were back on, I match drilled all the holes through the skin into the spar.
I wanted to also get the trailing edge skin holes match drilled, but I was having issues getting the holes to line up.  The inboard trailing edge lined up fine, but the holes on the outboard trailing edge are not quite lining up.  I was able to clecos in, but the hole alignment just doesn't look right.  I also noticed that the assembly guide and drawings say that the trailing edge should be A5 rivets on one end up to the split and then A4 on the other end.  This is what I did on the bottom side, but my top skins are all predrilled to A5.  So I'm going to make all the trailing edge holes A5, including the bottom just to keep things consistent.
I was also taking a look at the wing root nose skin to see how that will wrap around.  This is when I noticed that the skin has a crack in it!  😢  Well that will need to be replaced of course.  I guess I'm going to use this cracked one as a practice piece for now and I'll come back to this section later.  I'm not sure how the crack got there. 

Crack in wing root nose skin

Build Time:  5 hours, 15 minutes