Horizontal Stabilizer

I fixed a rivet that didn't fully pull down the rib flange.  The rivet apparently mushroomed in between the skin and the rib flange.  I couldn't drill the rivet out since it mushroomed on both sides of the flange, but Tom was able to get the stem out with some edge cutters.  This allowed me to drill completely through the rivet and pull it out from in between the skin and the rib flange.  Tom helped me replace the rivet by pressing up on the flange to ensure that it was flush against the skin while I pulled the rivet.
I also finished installing the end ribs and l-angles and got the top skin riveted on.  I was going to work on the elevator hinge, but the hinge interferes with the tip end rib.  I decided to hold off on that and wait until I have the elevator put together so I can see how the two pieces mate together before trimming the hinge.

Bad Rivet

Top Skin Clecoed

Hinge Interference with Tip End Rib

Top Skin Rivetted:

Build Time:  3 hours, 5 minutes