Horizontal Stabilizer - End Ribs

Tom helped me cleco the top skin on to see how that dent looked with the skin fully wrapped around.  I did email Zenith about the dent in the skin and the response was to rub a spoon on the back side to try and push it out or to put a doubler skin over it.  The spoon trick didn't seem to do anything and I don't want to put a doubler skin over it.  I also asked on the Facebook builders page and the consensus there was that it was cosmetic.  The dent is about the size of a half dollar and 1/32" deep.  I decided not to replace the skins and to live with the dent.  I may fill it in later before painting if it is too noticeable.
After unclecoing the top skin, I started on the end ribs.  I got those clecoed to the spar and bottom skin.  I cut the four L-angle pieces that attached to the spar and end ribs.  The front L-angle pieces needed to be trimmed to fit the rib curve and I cut too much off on the first pieces and had to redo those.

Build Time:  2 hours, 30 minutes