Fuselage - Moved Out of the Loft

We got the fuselage moved out of the loft and downstairs. 
I thought about starting to prime some parts, but it was too hot on Saturday and too humid on Sunday to prime.  I also wanted to have it reassembled for the airport's open house in a couple of weeks.


First time sitting in it!

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Forward Fuselage - Disassemble

I bolted the wheels onto the main gear and torqued down the axle nut.  
Then I spent a couple hours disassembling the forward fuselage.  The front half needs to come off to get the fuselage out of the loft.  Hopefully, we can get the fuselage out of the loft next weekend and I can start priming.  

Build Time:  2 hours
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Gear - Main Gear Installed

This weekend, I continued with the main gear.  I notched out the second bottom gear support rubber and drilled and trimmed the main gear support.
Tom used the grinder to grind out the clearance for the brakes.  When I was marking the area to remove, I didn't realize that the gear got rotated when I was sanding out the bolt notches and  I marked the wrong side.  Oops - the front side of my gear will also have notches now.
We got the main gear and wheels loosely installed.  I was missing 4 bolts and 8 nuts from the wheel kit so I couldn't fully put the wheels on, but hopefully next weekend.
Main Gear Installed

Main Gear Installed

Build Time:  6 hours 15 minutes
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Gear - Nose Gear Installed

I got a better drill bit and finished drilling the nose fork.  I also drilled and tapped the bottom bearing, and made the templates to drill the back side holes through the firewall stiffener.  I also put the pucks on to get a rough idea of where they'll end up. 
Tom helped me get the wheel and tire together and installed on the nose gear.
I then started to work on the gear support rubber.  I finished the bottom piece for both sides and will work on the top piece next weekend.
Nose Gear

Nose Gear

Bottom Gear Support Rubber

Build Time:  6 hours
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I spent some time working on the gear today.
It took me a while to get the nose gear strut centered on the fork and I only drilled one hole through the fork.  Drilling through that thick material took forever—I might look for a better drill bit.  I'm putting the STOL nose gear on my Cruzer, hence the rounded nose fork.
Tom came over to help me lift the main gear to see if it fit.  The main gear came pre-notched out, but the notches were not in the correct location.  I took the dremel to it and widened the notches a bit.  It needs a bit more clean up but the fit seems good now.
Nose Fork drilling started - temporary bolt in first hole drilled

Main Gear notches widened

Build Time:  4 hours
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Forward Fuselage - Arm Rest

I clecoed the right seat supports, seat pan, and armrest side back in to match drill the undrilled rear seat belt attachment.  Then I clecoed in the left seat supports, seat pan, and armrest side, and added the armrest top.
I started working on the nose gear but realized I had pulled the rivets on the front l-angle on the u-shaped bracket from the bottom side instead of the top.  I drilled those out and put new rivets in.  I had to grind down the nose on the rivet hand puller to fit properly against the l-angle.
I'm also putting the STOL nose gear on my Cruzer and realized I do not have the drawings for the STOL version. 
Seat Pans and Arm Rest installed

Corrected rivets on u-shaped bracket (pulled from the top)

Build Time:  3 hours
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Forward Fuselage - Left Seat Installed

Made great progress on the left seat this weekend.
I finished fixing the rear seat support l-angle I messed up last time.  I made a wider angle so the holes would not be on the edge.  I also cut and drilled all the l-angles for the front support.
I drilled the holes for the slide bolts and the rear nutplates.  Once the rear bolts were in, I drilled the holes for the forward bolts.  This went way better than the right seat and I didn't have to file any holes open.  I did need to retap the welded-in nuts on the top portion of the slides like I did on the right seat.
I also received undrilled rear seat belt brackets from Zenith since the other ones I previously received did not line up correctly.  I matched drilled the holes into this new undrilled bracket.  The holes are off-center a bit, but they're not too close to the edges so I think it's ok.

Then I started disassembling and drilling holes to final size.

Left Seat Installed

Fixed rear support l-angle (custom wider angle)

Front support l-angles

Front support l-angles

Front support l-angles

Lower Seat Belt Attachment

Rear Seat Belt Bracket - undrilled part match drilled to arm rest side

Left Seat Installed

Build Time:  7 hours 15 minutes
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